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Human Growth Hormone

Growth hormone may improve older people's ability to function efficiently with or without assistance. A study suggests participants taking the hormone may experience a surge in energy, which would improve their overall quality of life and well-being.

Hormone Production Important For Elderly

A new study suggests a growth stimulating hormone may someday benefit elder adults.

The study conducted by a scientist and colleagues from the University of Washington suggests the hormone may improve older people's ability to live well independently.

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The research study explored growth stimulating hormone for improving physical functioning in older people. Studies suggest routine supplementation with the hormone may improve participant's ability to walk more efficiently, faster and with better balance than before.

This may improve older people's ability to function efficiently with or without assistance. The study also suggests participants taking the hormone may experience a surge in energy, which would improve their overall quality of life and well-being.

The study involved participants between the ages of 65 and 84. Study participants also realized increased muscle mass resulting from supplementation with growth hormone.


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What Is Growth Hormone And How Can It Help?

Growth hormone is a natural substance produced in the pituitary gland. Human growth hormone is tasked with regulating the body's growth and muscle composition throughout much of life.

“Typically when someone enters their 70s production of growth hormone drops, often by as much as half. This is a normal part of aging, but nonetheless results in many consequences. ”

Who Will Growth Hormone Benefit?

Millions of people over age 65 need assistance with daily tasks including bathing, walking, dressing and more. Many would prefer to live independently. Still others need help rising out of bed or even from a seated position. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, roughly eleven percent of people between the ages of 65 and 79 requires daily living assistance.

This study, conducted of roughly 400 men and women, suggests more people aged 65 and up may be able to live independently, or with minimal assistance. The study suggests those living with mild physical difficulties may realize a significant improvement in their symptoms by taking growth hormones.

Conducted over the course of a year, the study participants experienced many improvements in their mobility, including the ability to walk faster and climb stairs more quickly and efficiently. Many study participants also realized significant strength or muscle mass gains.

Are their risks involved? As with anything there are some risks involved. The primary side effects experienced by participants included insomnia and rising levels of blood sugar. It is also important to realize that the changes seen while relevant were not necessarily life changing.

This study however, may lead to future studies providing new hope for elderly citizens looking for greater mobility and independence. While not an anti-aging panacea, it certainly is a step in the right direction.